

Disability:in 2024

less than 1 minute read

IAccessible was present at the Disability:in conference for the first time this year in Las Vegas. It was one of the best represented conferences I have atte...

Self driving - the future is here!

2 minute read

I had my first opportunity to ride in a self driving car this week in San Fransisco. It was a surreal experience. The car was a google waymo and it was drivi...

Don’t touch for touch’s sake

2 minute read

ever since the IPhone made touch screens the most disruptive change in the world of technology, product makers seem to have gone overboard with touch. It see...


1 minute read

Thanks to Markku Hakkanen for giving me the opportunity to experience the HaptX gloves. While Mark mentions the use of these gloves for Braille, in my mind, ...

Tactile models

1 minute read

I recently visited Salsburg, Austria, a city I knew as the place where they made the movie “The sound of music”. I purchased a walking tour for the city and ...

Human bias

2 minute read

Last week, I visited Vienna, Austria. The city, with its accommodating public transport, pedestrian-friendly streets, and excellent wine, seemed to embrace i...

Include: AI and Accessibility

less than 1 minute read

We had our first event in IAccessible’s “Include” series in December at the beautiful Microsoft Reactor location. More than 70 accessibility enthusiasts came...

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announcing the Include series first event

less than 1 minute read

We are looking forward at IAccessible for an insightful evening as we delve into AI’s impact on accessibility on the 14th of December at Microsoft’s Campus i...

Accessible cities

3 minute read

Introduction We moved to Redmond in 2018 and have found the neighborhood to be only partially walkable. None of the traffic signals near my house were access...

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Internationalization and Accessibility

1 minute read

I recently travelled to Frankfurt, Germany. As soon as I landed, I ran into the next “circle of accessibility hell” AKA internationalization. Some of the pro...

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Alt text best practices

less than 1 minute read

I answer a bunch of accessibility questions everyday for testers and developers and more often than not, I do an internet search and find the most reliable, ...

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Influence without authority

2 minute read

Driving accessibility through the Microsoft enterprise internal applications has given me a lot of lessons in influencing the direction of large and chaotic ...

Wordpress is inaccessible

2 minute read

I moved over this site from wordpress to github pages using jekyll last week. I should say I was forced to move this site from wordpress to *** because some ...

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escape room games

1 minute read

I recently played escape room with some family and friends near San Ramon. If you are not familiar with escape room, it is a game where your team is put into...

Soundscape and blindsquare

2 minute read

I have been using the microsoft Soundscape app on the IPhone pretty regularly almost from the day it was first released. The app provides inputs on your geog...

Accessibility of toys

1 minute read

Accessibility discussions in most scenarios cover the Web and more often now mobile apps as well. One area that seems to not have received enough attention i...

Amazon Alexa – The scary laugh

1 minute read

I had some friends over this weekend. We were chatting away in my study late into the night. It was about 2 AM and we were in the middle of some “solve the w...

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IOS 11.1 email issues

less than 1 minute read

My blog seems to be turning into a complaint board or something looking at the last few posts. I’ll do this one more complaint and then do something else in ...

IOS 11.0 voice over issues

1 minute read

** Update: I just updated to IOS 11.1 and the below issues are now resolved!! ** I updated to IOS 11.0 on the day it was launched but have been struggling wi...

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voice over users – avoid IOS 8.02!

1 minute read

I upgraded to IOS 8.02 last weekend after my curiosity got the better of my skepticism. Using it for just a week has me wishing I had waited for at least 3 m...

Accurev client for windows accessibility

1 minute read

If you are in the unfortunate situation of having to use accurev as your source control system and are wondering how to get a screen reader to make any sense...

Firefox problem with ARIA tag in tbody

1 minute read

I recently ran into an issue with firefox not rendering a table correctly for use with a screen reader. The table was rendered correctly visually on the scre...

A report on Android Accessebility

less than 1 minute read

Came across this rather expansively written report on android accessibility or rather the dismal state of things in the android accessibility world. having t...

Firefox OS accessibility

less than 1 minute read

Came across this update on accessibility in the upcoming Firefox OS. The developers seem to be going in the right direction. I wish they will involve users r...

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